In a groundbreaking moment for the African crypto ecosystem, Chimezie Chuta has been honored as the first-ever recipient of the prestigious ACGAWARDS Hall of Fame. The...
The Africa Crypto Giants Awards (ACGAWARDS) 2023, the much-anticipated event celebrating outstanding achievements in the African cryptocurrency and blockchain industry, concluded with resounding success. Held virtually...
Bitmama, a leading African cryptocurrency exchange platform, has been awarded multiple awards at the prestigious ACGAWARDS 2023. The ceremony, held on October 28th virtually which gained...
Welcome to the latest edition of TAGi Magazine, where we delve into the diverse and dynamic world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In this issue, we’re honored...
In the bustling landscape of digital entrepreneurship, there are visionaries who not only navigate the currents of innovation but also dedicate themselves to nurturing the aspirations...
The rapid rise of cryptocurrency has captivated the African continent, offering a new realm of financial possibilities. Yet, beneath the veneer of potential wealth lies a...
In an era defined by remarkable technological strides, the concept of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its subset, machine learning, have risen to prominence as transformative forces...
In recent years, African tech startups have emerged as powerful agents of change, disrupting traditional industries, and driving innovation across the continent. As we look ahead,...
The ever-shifting terrain of contemporary commerce has cast a luminous spotlight upon a concept of profound intrigue: the “unicorn company.” Whispered with reverence and awe, these...
Africa is home to a thriving tech startup scene, with companies innovating in every sector from fintech to education to healthcare. In 2023, a number of...
The African Crypto Giants Awards (ACGAWARDS) is delighted to announce the official opening of nominations for the ACGAWARDS 2023, a prestigious event dedicated to honoring the outstanding...
I understand how that could positively effect your body, but alchemizing means turning elements to gold basically through magic. That lead me to research each ingredient...
The phenomenon of cryptocurrency has been progressively capturing attention within the borders of South Africa, sparking inquiries into the legalities surrounding this emerging realm of financial...
At TAGiAfrica™, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users’ personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and...